广州市启航实业有限公司(衬条先生)专注于超高分子异型材挤出条的研发和生产。批发为主,型号齐全,品质是我们的经营宗旨!选择衬条先生,先进的生产工艺,完善的售后服务,欢迎来样来图生产定做。启航团队等着您!我们专业,因为我们专一。Guangzhou QiHang Industrial Ltd. Company-Mr. Plastic. Focus on research, development and production of UHMW-PE Extrusion Profile Wearstrip. Varieties of specifications available, wholesale provided mainly, highest-quality as our core value. Equipped with advanced facilities, technics and all-round after-sales service. Welcome placing tailored orders with us, we are dedicated to do the best for the most distinguished you.