

东莞市圣格手袋有限公司是一家汇聚各类手袋精英人才的独资型内资企业,前身工厂——圣格手袋厂创立于2004年,2010年转型为圣格手袋有限公司。主要产品为箱包、男包、女包、钱包、皮带、宠物带等一系列产品。 产品的品质优良,功能齐全,设计人性化,更符合现今社会的时尚潮流,价格以实惠,物超所值着称。产品远销全球多个国家,如德国、意大利、美国、日本、韩国等地,并且具有良好的国际口碑。2012年公司开始涉足国内市场,旗下共有两大品牌:Boffeat(宝菲特)与Delowon(迪龙旺)。 BOFFEAT标志以品牌名称字母的BF为基础,以中国传统文化:“福”字结构为元素,标志整体为圆形代表圆圆满满。Seagull Bags, was established in 2004, is a domestic enterprise based on sole proprietorship which have collected many elites of luggages & bags manufacture. It was transformed from Seagull Bags Factory to Seagull Bags Co.Ltd in 2010. Seagull Bags dedicated on luggage & bags manufacture, the major products of us are Luggages, Wallets, BackPacks, Sport Bags, Handbags, etc. With good quality, complete function, personal design, fasion style, remarkably, the tangible price. The products of Seagull Bags have been sold worldwide and greatly favored by consumers at aborad, for example, German, Italy, USA, Japan, Korea, etc, and we have got many exciting feedbacks.


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