东莞市丰汇国际货运代理有限公司,是经国家经贸部、海关总署批准的具有国家一级代理资格的的货运代理企业;公司位于东莞市中心区环境优雅的高级写字楼——国际。公司业务方面是集进出口报关、出口退税、一般贸易进出口、仓储及海陆空运输为一体的现代化综合贸易类企业,自成立以来,奉诚信为宗旨,以互惠互利为原则,与口岸海关建立了良好的业务关系基础,价格和服务都有着较大的优势,并以此赢得了稳定优质的客户群体。 经过多年的经验积累,公司在经营管理方面已十分成熟,能为客户提供系统配套及时的服务;更可贵的是我公司培养了一批具有丰富货运代理经验和高度工作责任心的工作人员,以专业的态度赢得客户的信赖与支持。 丰汇的发展目标是在整合高度专业的人才资源、流畅的网络资源、先进规范的管理资源的基础上,为广大客户提供个性化的物流服务和更多增值服务,携手打造“共赢”典范,把公司建设成为国际知名的现代物流企业! DongGuan Fenghui International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd. is a Class A freight forwarder approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade& Economic Cooperation and General Administration of Customs in China. The company locates in First International in CBD of DongGuan city. The company provides the customers with services in Imp/Exp customs declaration, export tax rebates, warehousing, sea transportation, land transportation, air transportation, railway freight, and one-stop service for the international integrated logistics solution. Since founded, the company uses "Integrity" as our motto, focusing on principle of win-win cooperation. Now,The company has established its advantages on price and professional service based on good business relation with Customs. .