日邮物流(中国)有限公司是世界的500强航运企业之一——日本邮船株式会社(NYK)在中国开设的全资子公司。日邮物流(中国)有限公司于2000年进入中国。经过多年发展,目前共投资设立了26家分公司。已经成为拥有千余名员工的大型物流公司。日邮物流为全球客户提供世界的海运、陆运以及空运等专业物流服务我们和众多船公司拥有长期合作伙伴关系,依靠的信息技术和跨越60个国家的全球网络,加上无与伦比的优质服务,已经使得日邮物流成为目前的国际海运货代服务供应商之一。总公司设在上海,并在广州、福州、厦门、深圳、珠海、武汉、天津、北京、青岛、大连、苏州、无锡、南京、宁波、杭州等地设有分公司及办事处。公司为不同的客户设计专门的物流方案,依托其全球海陆空物流网络及先进的仓储物流设施,成为在各类产品的仓库派送、集运和物流领域里的佼佼者。公司拥有一支年轻,精力充沛,充满活力的员工团队;他们工作严谨,服务专业。公司非常注重员工的培养,通过提供团队培训、外部培训、员工自我培训计划相结合的培训机制,培养一专多能、自主思考的员工。企业的专业服务源于每位员工的专业素质。NYK is one of the global leading providers of shipping and logistics in the "Fortune 500".Building on the successes of "Forward 120" anniversary, now the NYK Group has set its visions on the twin goals of leveraging our international network covering ocean, land, and air to become the world's leading global logistics and megacarrier group. NYK provided globally intergrated logistics solutions tailored to our clients' individual needs. NYK has set up it's offices and companies in mainland China since 1991, till now we have more than 25 branch companies and Representative offices through the whole China. Due to company's rapid grow-up in China, we are seeking for following talent:If you are interested in our company, pls send both your English and Chinese CV.