

价格:200 2022-02-03 11:36:01 502次浏览



联系人:古经理 vx:130-66-35-0-1-20


Sanniu brand strength source factory direct selling, customized, exported abroad, original factory delivery, one-stop whole store customization, one-stop design and installation, factory direct selling, value-added cost performance, powerful manufacturers, free plane layout! Give you the least budget planning!

KKV store VI is creative with chaoku container, and large areas of bright yellow and white are eye-catching. In terms of supply chain, KKV is more like Android system, which adopts a more open form of channel cooperation, from brand factories to store shelves. Based on the more open and lightweight supply chain "Android operating system", KKV can put SKUs above 20000, maintain the hot flow of goods of 500 + a month through the big data system, and create the consumption reason of "often coming and often new"

Contact: Gu manager VX: 130-66-35-0-1-20

Address: 605b-1, building 3, Shijing international building, No. 86, shisha Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou

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