

价格:面议 2020-03-09 09:32:14 971次浏览

A2.2 Referenced Documents

A2.2 参考文件

The following referenced documents were used in the development of this standard:


Ÿ Textile Exchange Recycled Claim Standard

Ÿ 纺织品交易所回收声明标准

Ÿ Global Recycle Standard 3.0

Ÿ 全球回收标准 3.0

Ÿ ZDHC Manufacturer’s Restricted Substance List

Ÿ ZDHC 制造商受限制物质清单

Ÿ ZDHC MRSL Conformance Guidance


Ÿ GSCP Environmental Reference Requirements

Ÿ GSCP 环境参考要求

Ÿ GSCP Social Reference Code

Ÿ GSCP 社会参考准则

Ÿ ISO 14021:1999: Environmental labels and declarations

Ÿ ISO 14021:1999:环境标签和声明

Ÿ ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2: Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards

Ÿ ISO/IEC 指令,第 2 部分:国际标准的结构和起草规则

Ÿ ISO/IEC Guide 59: Code of Good Practice for Standardization

Ÿ ISO/IEC 指南 59:标准化实践规范

Ÿ Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims (“Green Guides”); Federal Trade Commission

Ÿ 环境营销声明使用指南(“绿色指南”);联邦贸易委员会

Ÿ International Labor Organization Conventions

Ÿ 国际劳工组织公约

Ÿ European Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)

Ÿ 关于化学品注册、评估、授权和限制的欧洲法规(EC)第 1907/2006 号(REACH)

Ÿ European Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures

Ÿ 关于物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装的欧洲法规(EC)1272/2008 号

Ÿ Directive 67/548/EEC with adjustment to REACH according to Directive 2006/121/EC and Directive 1999/45/EC as amended

Ÿ 指令 67/548/EEC,根据指令 2006/121/EC 和指令 1999/45/EC 对 REACH 进行调整

Ÿ Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), Fourth revised edition

Ÿ 全球化学品统一分类和标签制度(GHS)第四次修订版

A3 – Principles of GRS Certification

A3 – GRS 认证的原则

A3.1 范围

A3.1a The Standard applies to products that contain 20% or more Recycled Content. Some exceptions may apply, see Textile Exchange Accreditation and Certification Procedures for the derogation process.

A3.1a 本标准适用于回收含量达到 20%或更多的产品。某些例外可能适用,请查阅纺织品交易所评审和认证程序获取让步处理信息。

A3.1b The Standard applies to any verified Recycled Material and may apply to any supply chain. A3.1b 本标准适用于任何经过验证的回收材料,可适用于任何供应链。

A3.2 Scope

A3.2 范围

A3.2a The Standard provides verification of chain of custody for Recycled Material, in accordance with the Content Claim Standard.

A3.2a 本标准按照“含量声明标准”对回收材料的监管链进行了验证。

A3.2b The Standard includes consumer-facing labeling; only products that have been certified up to the seller in the last business-to-business transaction are eligible.

A3.2b 本标准包括面向消费者的标签;只有在最后一次企业对企业交易中已被卖方认证的产品才符合资格。

Only products with at least 50% Recycled Content qualify for product-specific GRS labeling. See GRS Logo Use and Claims Guide for labeling guidelines.

只有具有至少 50%回收含量的产品符合产品特定 GRS 标签。请参阅 GRS 标签使用和声明指南获取关于贴标的指南。。

A3.2c The Standard establishes criteria for social and environmental principles in processing GRS certified products.

A3.2c 该标准建立了处理 GRS 认证产品时的社会和环境原则标准。

A3.2d The Standard restricts the use of hazardous chemicals in the processing of GRS products; it does not address the chemicals present in the Reclaimed Materials or what may be present in final GRS products.

A3.2d 本标准限制了加工 GRS 产品时危险化学品的使用;但不涉及回收材料中存在的化学物质或最终 GRS 产品中可能存在的化学物质。

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