Wastewater treatment
Wastewater from all wet processing units must be treated in an internal or external functional wastewater treatment plant before discharged to environment. The applicable national and local legal requirements for waste water treatment - including limit values with regard to pH, temperature, TOC, BOD, COD, colour removal, residues of (chemical) pollutants and discharge routes - must be fulfilled.
所有湿加工单元的污水在向外界环境排放之前,必须先经过一个有效运转的内部或外部污水处理厂的处理。经过处理的污水必须达到相应国家和当地法规的污水处理要求——包括关于 pH 值、温度、TOD、BOD、COD、脱色、(化学)污染残留物的限量值以及排放路径的规定。
Wastewater discharges to the environment must not exceed 20 g COD/kg of processed textile (output). For scouring greasy wool an exceptional limit of 45 g COD/kg applies.
向外界环境排放的污水,平均每公斤加工的纺织品(产出)的 COD 值不得超过 20 克。对于洗涤含脂羊毛操作,允许平均每公斤纺织品产出的 COD 值不超过 45 克。
Treatment of wastewater from water retting of bast fibres must achieve a reduction of COD (or TOC) of at least 95% for hemp fibres and 75% for all other bast fibres.
纤维水沤产生的废水经过处理后,其 COD 值(或 TOC)必须至少降低 95%,其它各种韧皮纤维必须至少降低 75%。
Wastewater discharges to surface waters further must have a pH between 6 and 9 (unless the pH of the receiving water is outside this range) and a temperature of less than 35C° (unless the temperature of the receiving water is above this value).
此外,排入地表水的污水的 pH 值必须在 6 至 9 之间(除非受纳水体的 pH 值超出了该范围),温度必须低于 35 C°(除非受纳水体的温度高于该温度)。
Wastewater analyses must be performed and documented periodically at normal operating capacity.
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